Supporting Student Attendance & Academic Success

Dear LZHS Students & Families,

During the 23-24 school year, LZHS administration worked to align student privileges with academic and attendance expectations - in an effort to support overall student success. Select student privileges will be connected to academic and attendance expectations again in the upcoming school year. 

Students and families can refer to the criteria below in order to maintain all privileges:

Criteria for Success & Access

No more than 1 full day unexcused absence during two-week review period (90% attendance rate)  

– AND/OR – 

Passing all classes during two-week review period at the time of the data pull/review

For information regarding the privileges that may be restricted by grade level, please click here.

The temporary removal of privileges will allow students the opportunity to “reset,” as well as to work on any identified areas of concern. Additional interventions and student supports may also be provided through the Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) process in order to promote student success.

Data will be reviewed every two weeks, with the first data review being conducted on September 13th, 2024. This will allow for several weeks for students to get acclimated to the new school year; if students begin to demonstrate academic or behavioral/attendance issues prior to the initial review date, individual supports and considerations will be made. 

Please click here to access the rest of the first semester data pull dates, academic appeal dates, and restriction timelines. Questions regarding attendance will be fielded on a rolling basis (see below).

Please note the additional information below:

  • For students with identified disabilities that have attendance and/or academic functioning areas of need, their Section 504 or IEP team will address how to support their attendance and/or academic needs so that they will have the same opportunity to access privileges as students without disabilities; any questions about this should be directed to Ms. Cara Obrochta (, Assistant Principal for Student Services at LZHS
  • If students believe there is an error with respect to attendance (e.g., there was a period of attendance misrecorded) students will be able to contact the Deans’ Office for a review of their current attendance standing
  • If there is a question regarding a student’s grade at the time of the review, students should e-mail their Division Heads by the end of the day Monday after each grade pull for them to review their current grade standing

We recognize that there may be situations that require further review, and adjustments that may need to be made. We appreciate your patience, flexibility, and constructive feedback as we implement this privilege system together in support of all of our LZHS learners during the 24-25 school year. 

John L. Walsh

LZHS Principal