Athletic registration will take place through ParentVUE. Please follow the steps below to register your student(s).
- Login to ParentVUE and click Online Registration (top right)
- Select “Athletics Registration”
- You will see the options that are available for the active season for your student. NOTE: If you get a message saying, “No students to register” you may have another registration started. At that point, go back to HOME and delete the registration started. Then go back and begin your Athletics Registration.
- You will need to “exclude” any student who you do not want to register for athletics at this time by pressing “I am not registering this student at this time”. You will be able to register that student with another registration, if needed.
- When all forms are completed, you will need to “Review” all forms.
- Go to the bottom of the form and hit “Submit”. You will see the message “Registration Submitted.” This will allow the Athletic Department to see your application.
- All students must be registered, have a current physical on file, and cannot be delinquent in payment of school fees in order to be “Approved for Try Outs” or added to the team. You can upload a physical as part of the athletic registration, email the form to or drop the forms off at the Athletic Office.
- After try-outs, if your student is added to the team, you will receive an email. A day or two later, the athletics fee will be added to your Pushcoin account.