Recent LZHS Communications Detail
LZHS Principal Newsletter 12-20-2023
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Good afternoon and happy Wednesday!!! The semester has really went by fast. There were so many exciting events and opportunities this semester. Lake Zurich High School excelled in so many ways this past semester and continued to excel during our finals week! Way to go LZHS students!!! Please take the next two weeks to rest, relax, and enjoy the holiday season! Enjoy time with family and friends. We will see everyone back on January 9, 2024. Please click here to access my Principal's Newsletter. New and old topics can be found below!
New Topics
-Upcoming Important Dates
-Changes to Office Hours and Resource Spaces
-Informational Night for 2024/2025 LZHS Students
-Horizon Testing
-PTO Fundraiser
-School Resource Officer (SRO) Information
Previous Topics
-Prescription Drug Drop Box
-Health Office Logs
-Snowpant and Boot Collection Extended
-Athletic Booster Club Seeking Volunteers
-Notice Regarding Participation and Outstanding Fees
-Substance Use & Mental Health Resources Available to Families
-Attendance-Early Dismissal Procedures
-Morning Drop Off
-Attendance Information
-SchooLinks Information
-Spiritwear Sales