Recent LZHS Communications Detail

Principal's Newsletter 3/22/24




Lake Zurich High School Students and Parents/Guardians, 

Good afternoon, and happy snowy Friday!!! Although I have lived in the midwest my entire life I do not think I'll ever get used to the weather!!! What is the world is going on?!?!

I wish you all the best spring break! If you are going on vacation, please enjoy and be safe. If you are staying at home, relax and enjoy yourself. As always, if you need anything, please reach out!

Below are the topics addressed in today's newsletter and please click here to access that newsletter.

New Topics
-Upcoming Important Dates
-Last Day's of School for LZHS
-Course Verification
-Solar Eclipse
-SAT/PSAT 10/PSAT 8/9 Information
-Summer Semester Coursebook

Previous Topics
-Attendance and Grades Update
-COVID Updates
-Prom Dresses
-5Essentials (Parents)
-Yearbook Ordering
-Varsity Tutors
-Athletic Booster Club Seeking Volunteers
-Attendance Information
-SchooLinks Information
-Spiritwear Sales